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Ferrosilicon Concept And Its Use

Date: Sep 25th, 2023
Ferrosilicon alloy is also known as ferrosilicon. Ferrosilicon is silicon and iron formed Fe2Si, Fe5Si3, FeSi, FeSi2 and other silicides. They are the main components of ferrosilicon and are mainly used as deoxidizers or alloying element additives. Silicon content in the range of 8.0%-95.0% of the alloy of iron and silicon. Ferrosilicon according to the silicon content of 45%, 65%, 75% and 90% and other varieties, ferrosilicon according to its Si content and its impurities are divided into 21 grades.

Ferrosilicon is the most widely used ferroalloy and is an indispensable material in the steelmaking process. Its main use is as a deoxidizer and alloying agent in steelmaking, to eliminate excessive oxygen and sulfur in steel to improve the quality and performance of steel. In addition to the use of ferrosilicon in steel making, another important use is to smelt magnesium metal.

Ferrosilicon Concept And Its Use