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What are the properties of silicon carbide?

Date: Dec 3rd, 2022

1. Good reliability.

Boiling in sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid is not easy to be etched. SiC does not react with magnesium chloride at high temperature, so it has good resistance to acid residue. The reaction between SIC and lime powder gradually develops at 525 and becomes obvious around 1000, while the reaction between SIC and copper oxide develops obviously at 800. At 1000-1200 it was reflected with iron oxide, and at 1300 it was significantly cleaved. The reaction with chromium oxide gradually changed from 1360 degrees to cracking reaction. In hydrogen, silicon carbide from 600 gradually reflected with it, at 1200 converted into silicon tetrachloride and carbon tetrachloride. Molten alkali can dissolve SiC at high fever.

2. Oxidation resistance

Silicon carbide has good oxidation resistance at room temperature, and the residual silicon, carbon and iron oxide have an effect on the air oxidation level of silicon carbide. Pure silicon carbide can be safely applied in the general air oxidation atmosphere of 1500, and silicon carbide with some residue will be oxidized in 1220.

3, good thermal shock resistance.

Silicon carbide porcelain because at continuous high temperature does not melt and dissolve steam, has better thermal shock resistance, and has high thermal conductivity and low firing.