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On April 13th Indian customer visit

Date: Apr 13th, 2024
On April 13th, 2024, Zhenan received Indian customers who came to inspect the company environment and factory environment.

After visiting the company, our staff led the customer to the factory to inspect the product production status and product transportation inspection.

The customer said that what the company trusts most is Zhen'an's integrity and attitude. He is very happy to come to Zhen'an to meet with us every time he cooperates. He said that our friendly service attitude makes him and the company feel very trustworthy.

Our company has its own SOP system for production, sales, and after-sales service. I hope we can provide you with good and professional services! 

Zhenan has always treated customers with an attitude of service integrity. Products have been inspected many times from production to loading and transportation. Zhenan is committed to delivering the highest quality products to customers.